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Regulatory Affairs Academy Mingle

Welcome to meet and mingle with other's interested in the Regulatory Affairs area! Naturvetarna, one of the initiator of the programe, will talk about why Regulatory Affairs is one of the top ranked future occupations.

  • Startar: 2024-06-14 15:00
  • Slutar: 2024-06-14 17:00
  • Plats: Stockholm
  • Lokal: Apotekarsocieteten, Wallingatan 26A

A delightful opportunity to get inspired within Regulatory Affairs and informed about Regulatory Affairs Academy.

We welcome

  • students, lecturers and partners at Regulatory Affairs Academy, celebrating the very first completion of the full Aademy course package program
  • you who are interested to know more about how to develop and build regulatory competence

Register at Läkemedelsakademin before May 24.