Your rights during your time as a PhD student
The Medical Faculty PhD Student Council (MDR) of Uppsala University welcomes PhD students of the medical faculty to an information event! Join us and learn about your rights during your time as a PhD student while enjoying some pizza!
- Startar: 2017-11-23 16:45
- Slutar: 2017-11-23 18:30
- Plats: Uppsala
- Lokal: Öbrinkrummet, A7:3, BMC
16.45 MDR welcomes everyone, pizza and beverages will be available
17.00 Ulf Göransson, prof., member of the research training committee
17.30 Philippa Björk, about her work and function as doktorandombudsman 18.00 Anna Eklund, delegate from SULF
18.15 Andreas Nyström, delegate from Naturvetarna
18.30 Mingle, snacks and discussion with presenters