Working conditions for PhD candidates in Sweden
Are you new in Sweden or just still wondering how this confusing country works? The university is full of doctoral candidates trying to figure out how to navigate all the different rules and regulations that govern the Swedish labor market, social security, residence, health care, unemployment and pensions. If you are one of them – this seminar is for you!
- Startar: 2018-11-13 11:30
- Slutar: 2018-11-13 13:30
- Plats: Stockholm
- Lokal: Strix, Karolinska Institutet campus Solna
The seminar is in English and is organized by the labor unions SULF and Naturvetarna, together with the local Doctoral Student Association at KI.
The seminar will address questions like:
- How does the Swedish labor market work?
- What are the three government agencies that "rule your world"?
- Who needs a residence permit?
- How does the social security system work?
- Can I use the health care system?
- Do I have the right to unemployment benefit?
- Are only Swedish citizens entitled to Swedish pensions?
- What is required to get a permanent residence permit or citizenship?
The seminar is open for PhD candidates at KI.
Register at this link no later than November 6.
Please note that registration is binding. Sandwich and beverage will be available for those who signed up.