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Salary survey

The salary survey is now closed. The new salary statistics will be updated in Saco lönesök in January/February 2024. 

The anual salary servey contribute to valuable salary statistics and labour market information for professional scientists. The more respondents, the better the statistical basis and the more reliable the salary statistics will be.


This is what you gain from the survey

The answers from this salary survey form the basis of the services members receive as concerns professional scientists' salaries and labour market. This is what you get from the salary survey:

At the beginning of 2024, Saco Lönesök will be updated with the latest salary statistics.


How we process your personal data

Data on salary and employment is processed by the statistics officer only and is not presented at individual level. Educational level, position and employers are also used to update our records with correct membership data. Read about how we manage personal data at www.naturvetarna.se/personuppgiftspolicy.


Any questions?

Please contact us at enkat@naturvetarna.se.

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