Q & A

Apply to become a member

Your monthly fee as student will be

0 SEK/month*
* If you dont have a Bank Id please see the yellow box below. The membership is for free from now and throughout 2024 if you become a member! In student membership, you get guidance and tools to achieve your goals. A security package is included, as well as advice on your future career, salary and working conditions.

In connection with your application, we collect your address information from the population register. Here you can read more about how we process your personal data (In Swedish).

If you do not have a Bank ID, please download application form or send an email to info@naturvetarna to become a memeber. By applying for membership, you agree to Naturvetarnas' statutes and that we process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR (Data Protection Ordinance).

By applying for membership, you agree to Naturvetarnas' statutes and that Naturvetarna processes your personal data in accordance with the GDPR (Data Protection Ordinance).