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Naturvetarna's congress

At the congress on November 22-23, 2024, congress delegates from all over the country will gather and decide which subjects the union will pursue for the next three years.


What's important to you?

Do you want to be involved in shaping Naturvetarna's future? Well, here´s your chance to make a difference! Nominate yourself or another fellow member to be part of this event, which takes place in Stockholm on November 22-23, 2024.

Another way to influence is by submitting a motion on topics close to your heart. It can be anything from salary and working hours to ensuring that the skills of natural scientists are utilized in the green transition and that natural scientists receive the professional development they need.

Your commitment is needed to meet future challenges and opportunities, such as how AI may affect the job market and our way of working.

Nominate here!


"To be a representative is an honourable and important mission".


For municipal biologist Johanna Martinell, being elected as a delegate to Naturvetarna's congress and being able to contribute to the development of the association was an honour.

Read more about to be a representative


What happens at the congress?

The congress is Naturvetarna's highest decision-making body and determines which issues the union will pursue for the next three years. During the congress, decisions are also made about who will sit on Naturvetarna's board.


How does the congress work?

50 elected delegates plus five students meet in Stockholm to make decisions on important issues for Naturvetarna. In a first step, motions, propositions, and other matters are dealt with at digital committee meetings during the autumn. At the congress itself on November 22-23, it's up to the delegates to make decisions based on the committees' proposals.


What else happens?

Don't miss the opportunity to mingle and network with other natural scientists. Another highlight is the inauguration of the congress. This year's theme is "Naturvetare gissar inte" (Natural scientists don't guess). An event where we highlight the importance of political decisions being based on facts and science in a time when misinformation and fake news are becoming increasingly common.


Is there a cost to being a delegate?

No, Naturvetarna covers travel by train, accommodation, and meals during these two days. Delegates are compensated for lost income.


Will the congress be conducted in English?

No, the meeting proceedings are conducted in Swedish. However, English speakers are welcome to participate and speak English. If translation is needed, it can be arranged.


Important dates to remember:

April 10 is the last day for nominating delegates for the congress. Nominate here!

March 11 – August 15, it's possible to submit motions. 

May 3 – May 23, the digital delegate election takes place. All members have the right to vote and will receive an email about it.

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