Q & A
Become a member

Who can be a member?

If you have studied or are studying natural science for at least three years at a university or college, you are warmly welcome as a member of Naturvetarna.

What distinguishes Naturvetarna from other trade unions is that we organize members based on their education. Therefore, we can also provide guidance and service based on scientists' skills and labor market.


Your education

You can be a member if you have or study an academic education of at least three years (120p or 180hp) in science. The education can have the following specializations:

  • Working environment
  • Biology
  • Data & Mathematics
  • Animal
  • Physics
  • Geoscience
  • Chemistry
  • Diet & food
  • Agriculture
  • Medicine & laboratory technology
  • Environment
  • Pedagogy
  • Forest
  • Garden & landscape



We can make an exception to the rule if, for example, we see that a person has work experience that is equivalent to an academic science education, or if he or she has a job that normally requires an academic science education.

If you are unsure whether you can be a member, you can make a membership application as usual and add information about your relevant work experiences / educations in the information field to the administrator. Then a decision is made by the responsible manager at Naturvetarna.


Your employment

You are welcome as a member if you work or are a job seeker, entrepreneur, manager or student. Read more about what we offer specifically by clicking on the links for each group. Here you will find services and benefits that we offer all our members.


All sectors

You can be a member of Naturvetarna regardless of which sector you work in. We represent you regardless of whether you work in the private sector, state sector, municipality or region. It is easy if you change the labor market sector, then you do not need to change unions.


New in Sweden?

If you move to Sweden to study, research or work and plan to stay for a longer period of time, you can take full advantage of your membership in Naturvetarna.


Nordic guest membership

If you are a member of a Nordic sister trade union and work or study in Sweden, you can be a guest member of Naturvetarna. Guest membership means that you are entitled to the same service as Naturvetarna's members. Write in your membership application that you wish to be a guest member and in which sister union you are a member of today.

The same applies if you are a member of Naturvetarna and work or study in another Nordic country.

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