Den 3-23 maj kan du som är medlem rösta fram ombud till kongressen. Det gör du genom att logga in via ett mejl från Survey Generator. Tack för din röst!

Q & A
About us

Naturvetarna's kongress

Naturvetarnas kongress is our highest decision-making body. The last kongress was held on 19th and 20th of November 2021.

Naturvetarna's kongress is our highest decision-making body. During a two-day meeting delegates, who are elected among our members, meet to discuss and decide what issues Naturvetarna should focus on during the following three years. The delegates also elect board members. 


How does it work? 

All members of Naturvetarna (except under graduate students) can be nominated. One can nominate oneself or a fellow member of Naturvetarna. Nomination was open until 26 April. 

All members of Naturvetarna can vote for delegates within their geographical constituency. Our members elect 55 delegates as their representatives.

Please note that all meeting documents will be in Swedish and at the kongress in November the proceedings will be held in Swedish. English speaking members of Naturvetarna are welcome to participate, and while doing so may speak English when for example asking a question during the proceedings. If you have need of a translator this will be arranged for you.


What Naturvetarna should focus on

The kongress decides on the directions for Naturvetarna's work for the forthcoming three years. Naturvetarna's board draws up decision suggestions to the kongress, but all members are welcome to send in their suggestions to actions for the kongress to decide on. Read more (in Swedish).

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