Frågor & svar

Working in Sweden: A guide to benefits, terms, and salary

Join us for an insightful webinar on cracking the code to working in Sweden. Whether you're considering employment in Sweden or want to gain insights into its dynamic labour market, this event is a must-attend. 

  • Startar: 2023-12-05 12:00
  • Slutar: 2023-12-05 13:00
  • Plats: Teams
  • Lokal:

Key topics: 

  • Introduction to the Swedish labour model 
  • Collective agreements – how labour unions and employers collaborate for the benefit of workers. 
  • Unemployment and social safety nets 
  • Employment forms and salary 
  • Why join a union? 

You are invited to attend this webinar and gain insights from Per Hellman, an experienced negotiator and advisor at Naturvetarna.

Register here before 3rd of December!

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